
Скачать с Яндекс диска Photigy – White subject on a white background with no Photoshop

Скачать с Яндекс диска Photigy – White subject on a white background with no Photoshop

File Name Photigy – White subject on a white background with no Photoshop
Content Source:https://www.photigy.com/white-photo-on-a-white-background-no-photoshop/
Genre / Category: Photography
File Size :1.2 GB
Publisher Photigy
Updated and Published:February 28, 2024
Product Details

There are many situations when a photographer needs to make hundreds of images of products on an entirely white background. Usual work for online catalogs and brochures.

Such work can only be profitable if photographer manages to create and deliver high quantity of product’s images in a short time, with minimal post-production.

Things get more complicated when we shoot a white subject on a white background, and beginner photographer may have a hard time to produce “white on white” product shot without any post-production.

In this webinar, Alex Koloskov demonstrated the technique on how to create images of white subjects on a white background out-form-the camera, without any touch up in Photoshop or Lightroom.

You will learn…

  • Why shooting tables do not work for “white on white” photography
  • How to make a reflection or shadow under the product with a completely white background
  • How to make such images without post-production, only with batch RAW-to JPEG conversion.

Скачать с Яндекс диска Photigy – White subject on a white background with no Photoshop

Скачать с Яндекс диска Photigy – White subject on a white background with no Photoshop
